Animated Accounts at Animest
We’re pleased to present at Animest 2020 online on 14 November, a selection of Animate Projects’ commissions that are inspired by real life experiences, told by real people or representative of real places. In this selection of animated shorts experience a multitude of voices, with scientists sharing their opinions on their research, the reflections of Chelsea Manning, and the passions of an aspiring science fiction writer. Historic events are also brought to life in imaginative recreations, from the war wounds of artist Oskar Kokoschka to the lost film archives of Palestine to a Victorian amateur biologist’s pet wasp. Followed by a Q&A with three of the featured filmmakers: Elizabeth Hobbs, Ellie Land and Samantha Moore.
Chelsea Manning Had Secrets, Adam Butcher, 2011, 5’30”
Magnetic Movie, Semiconductor, 2007, 4’42”
Paint Unpaint, Kota Ezawa, 2014, 1’34”
For Cultural Purposes Only, Sarah Wood, 2009, 8’16”
Early Birds, Suky Best, 2008, 5’17”
Sir John Lubbock’s Pet Wasp, Osbert Parker and Laurie Hill, 2018, 2’00”
Loop, Samantha Moore, 2016, 6’12”
Without You, Tal Rosner, 2008, 4’42”
Jeffery and the Dinosaurs, Christoph Steger, 2008, 6’35”
Sleepless, Ellie Land, 2016, 5’30”
Cobra Mist, Emily Richardson, 2008, 6’42”
Regarding Gardens, Carolina Melis, 2012, 2’27”
I’m OK, Elizabeth Hobbs, 2018, 6’00”
Image: Regarding Gardens, Carolina Melis