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BFI Short Form Animation Fund Award for And Granny would dance

We are delighted to be able to share that we are in production with BAFTA winning animation director Maryam Mohajer on her next short film And Granny would dance which has been awarded production funding by the BFI.

Read the full article about all of the selected projects on Animation Magazine.

With And Granny would dance, six year old Marmar observes how adult women navigate their relationships with their loved ones and each other. She remembers how, after her grandad’s passing, Granny stopped dancing and even smiling, and then listens in on her grandmother’s friends discussing their partners as they play an illicit game of cards. Based on the director’s memories of her childhood in Iran, And Granny would dance is a tale of love, grief and resilience across generations, and at its heart, a tribute to the solidarity of Iranian women.

Image: And Granny would dance work-in-progress sketch by Maryam Mohajer.