Move It and the Touring Independent Moving Image Report
In 2016 our Move It project toured four programmes of animated shorts, engaging people across the UK with independent and experimental work, and it got a great response. A total audience of 6,491 people came along to 26 screenings, at 16 different venues. In our audience feedback, 93% said they would be likely or very likely to attend similar events. 40% scored their screening 5 stars out of 5. 40% scored their screening 4 stars out of 5.
As part of Move It, we commissioned writer and curator Adam Pugh to write a report on the challenges of animation and artists’ moving image touring in the UK. Informed by responses to a survey and interviews, it provides a provocative appraisal of current activity and provision and a summary toolkit for exhibitors and programmers.
Thanks to our guest curators Flatpack Film Festival and Animated Documentary. And our core partners – Centre for the Moving Image Edinburgh, QUAD Derby, Tyneside Cinema, FACT Liverpool, Dundee Contemporary Arts – and to all the venues that showed the programmes.
Move It was supported by the This Way Up Exhibition Innovation Fund, a partner of the BFI Film Audience Network and using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.