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An empty auditorium. On a white screen, it reads

Animate OPEN

Animate OPEN: Digitalis

In 2011, we staged the Animate OPEN: Digitalis, our first exhibition of experimental animation selected from an open call for submissions.

We presented online 11 animated works that explore, question, subvert or confound our expectations of art and the ‘digital’. The Jury Prize was presented to James Lowne for Someone behind the door knocks at irregular intervals, and the Audience Prize was given to Max Hattler for 1923 aka Heaven/1925 aka Hell.

The project was supported by Jerwood Charitable Foundation and the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

Colourful patterns with two circular mechanical eyes in the centre

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A face superimposed on a cubist looking landscape

Animate OPEN: Parts & Labour

In 2015, we staged the Animate OPEN: Parts & Labour in partnership with QUAD.

Twenty contemporary artists were selected from an open call, with their animated work exhibited at QUAD, online, and as part of a cinema touring programme. The Jury Prize was awarded to Jake Fried for Brain Lapse, and the Audience Prize went to Wednesday Kim for alteration-de-la-voix and to Alan Warburton for Psychometrics.

Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, Jerwood Charitable Foundation, and the This Way Up Exhibition Innovation Fund, a partner of the BFI Film Audience Network.

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